About Us

Do It For The Cocktail Culture is a Black women-owned business whose mission is to share Black stories and toast the lives of people through the art of storytelling.

We specialize in creating “Cocktales” directly inspired by historical Black figures as well as custom craft cocktails inspired by an everyday person, their life, or a specific story.

We Drink, Sleep, and Breathe Storytelling

The Kind One Cocktail Inspired By Explorer Matthew Henson

 The Kind One Cocktail inspired by outdoorsman, explorer and world traveler Matthew Henson


Whether it’s telling stories of Black historical figures through our “Cocktales,” revealing slavery’s impact on the liquor industry, or raising awareness of Black-owned liquor brands, our focus is to promote Black stories.

Our brand is designed to enlighten, educate, and unify people from all backgrounds, with a cocktail (or two) in hand.

We provide conscious shoppers and businesses with a way to participate in elevating Black voices, share their stories or those of loved ones, and support Black and women-owned businesses such as ours.


Meet The Founder

Meet LaShana Daniels, "The Libation Librarian" and founder of the Do It For The Cocktail Culture brand. 

An Events Manager with 10+ years of hospitality experience, LaShana is passionate about history and the Black experience. Her career has taught her to be inventive and resourceful: skills she has channeled and heavily poured into D.I.F.T.C.C.

LaShana formerly worked for award-winning special events venue Vibiana in Downtown Los Angeles. When COVID-19 hit, she moved back to her home state of New York and in June 2020 formed D.I.F.T.C.C. Click Here to Learn More About DIFTCC


Inspired By A Movement

D.I.F.T.C.C. was inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement and the George Floyd protests that pushed for a greater and more nuanced education of the Black experience in America. 2020 and the deaths of countless Black lives have shown us that our work here is not done. It's time to be better and to do better.

People from all races and backgrounds need to be more aware of the endless contributions Black people have made to society as well as the endless struggles endured in the past and present. We provide people with a way to highlight Black stories and to honor impactful Black figures—from history and in the present day—in unique and commemorative ways.

